Orkester Norden results are almost ready!

Some of you have received emails already from us and we are hoping to be ready with selections latest 2.4. Be patient!

We are still missing few more strings!! So there is an extra application process currently on now, only for strings!!! 

Every applicant plays solo (from the audiction materials, your choice for viola) plus one orchestral excerpt, which you may choose from our lists. You can find the list here: https://www.orkesternorden.com/audition-repertoire/  

Applications are due Friday 4.4.

Fill in the form and add videos here: https://link.webropol.com/s/ONstrings2025



Application process is now finished for 2025

Facts about ON 2025

Orkester Norden is a symphony orhcestra Participation in ON ’25 is free and travel during the course/concert tour is included.
We provide daily meals and shared hostel rooms. More practical info will be sent to you if you get an invitation to the orchestra.

NOTE: You must pay your own travel to and from Lahti/Finland (or return travel cost from the last destination of the tour).

Keep in mind that you can apply your local Lions Club for a travel grant.
About the travel grant, contact the local Lions Club first.
For more information about the travel grant you can contact Lions ON Coordinator in the Nordic countries:

Nordic NSR Coordinator, PID Tapani Rahko

Sweden: Martin Enqvist
Norway: Yngve Lindgaard-Berntsen
Denmark: Ida Mogensen
Finland: Erkki Voutilainen
Iceland: Sigfríð Andradóttir